Bought because my wife wanted to paint the Skink Handler that came with him. Going to use him in a Warcry warband of older Seraphon sculpts because my wife thinks the old ones (not those Old Ones) look funny
Paints Used:
Body: Zandri Dust, Agrax Earthshade all over, drybrush Ushabti Bone and Screaming Skull towards stomach
Scales/Spines: drybrush Gorthor Brown and Dryad Bark. Drybrush Abaddon Black onto sharper points of spines
Metal: Leadbelcher, Agrax Earthshade all over, highlight Stormhost Silver
Tongue: Screamer Pink, Druchii Violet, highlight wet blend of Screamer Pink and Pink Horror, Ardcoat
Eyes: Abaddon Black, Ardcoat
Teeth: Vallejo White, Agrax Earthshade all over, highlight Vallejo White
Claws: Abaddon Black, highlight Eshin Grey and Dawnstone, Ardcoat
Base: Vallejo Brown Earth Texture, Agrax Earthshade all over, drybrush Screaming Skull, Gamers Grass TinyTufts Beige, Steel Legion Drab rim